Conventional opinion has held that children of absent fathers are more likely to sexually mature earlier, and have their first sexual experience earlier, than children of fathers who remain in the family. The conclusion has always been that it is the absence of the fathers that cause the early sexual maturation and activity. New research is suggesting that this might not be the case.

Jane Mendle examined data from the US National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and compared the age of first intercourse with genetically related individuals such as twins, sisters and cousins. What the researcher found was that the more closely related the children were, the more likely they were to be close in terms of first intercourse, and this was the most important factor regardless of absent fathers.

What this research demonstrates is that correlation (fathers presence/absence with age of sexual maturity/first intercourse) does not necessarily imply causation. It also shows that researchers in the past have been too quick to ‘blame’ absent fathers for their children’s sexual behaviour.

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