Q. What are the properties of yohimbe root? What is it supposed to aid in?
A. Yohimbe is an herbal supplement made from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree. Until Viagra, the alkaloid yohimbine from yohimbe was the only FDA-approved oral medication for the treatment of impotence. So, yohimbe is available both as an herbal extract and a prescription medication. It does help to increase libido, but its primary action is to increase blood flow to erectile tissue like the penis. It does not affect testosterone levels.
By itself, yohimbe has been shown to be effective in about 40 percent of impotence cases. Its main problem is side effects. Yohimbe can cause elevated blood pressure and heart rate, dizziness, headache, skin flushing, anxiety, panic attacks and hallucinations. It should not be taken by anyone with heart disease, kidney disease or anxiety.
While yohimbe is available as an over-the-counter herbal extract, I would strongly recommend using it only with a doctor’s supervision. If you choose to use an over-the-counter product, be sure to pick one that states the yohimbine content per dose. Most products available in health food stores were found to contain little or no yohimbine when tested.
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