Penis Damage after Intensive Sex
Q. I’m 18, and I’ve been having a problem for about two months. For two weeks of vacation, I spent almost eight or nine hours a day having sex with…
one visit a day keeps the doctor away
Q. I’m 18, and I’ve been having a problem for about two months. For two weeks of vacation, I spent almost eight or nine hours a day having sex with…
Q. I’m 29. About three months ago, I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. I took antibiotics and it cleared up. Then I started having pain where the penis…
Q. My husband has two tender tears on his foreskin. Could this be from rough sex? A. Normally it is quite difficult to tear the foreskin during sex. It is…
Q. I am a 16-year-old male. I have rashes on my genital area, and I get white discharges! What is it? Should I go to a doctor? Or tell my…
Q. My partner has some dry, hard, little whitehead-type pimples along the ridge of the head of his penis. He is uncircumcised. When you pull back the foreskin, you see…
Q. I have developed a tinea on my penis. It is like a white shadow in the skin of my penis. What should I do? A. Tinea cruris, often called…
Q. My wife and I are expecting the birth of our son in January. What are your views on circumcision? A. As a urologist, I can tell you there are…
It is not unknown for men to access pornography on the Internet. At the outset, let me make it very clear that it is not the aim of this article…
The term “hepatitis” refers to inflammation of the liver – a condition characterised by nausea, malaise and yellowing of the body. This last symptom, which is manifested by jaundice of…
A study from a team of researchers in Montreal has found that having eaten fish regularly is helpful to men who go on to develop prostate cancer. Along with a…