Q. I’m 22 and my sex organ is too small for my age and height. I’m five feet seven inches tall and weigh about 158 pounds. What should I do to attain a normal size sex organ?

A. To start with, the penis in healthy human males varies greatly in size, so much so that it’s hard to establish what’s “normal.” It is accepted that the penis needs to be long enough to enable the man to stand up to urinate, to allow penetration during sexual intercourse, and to avoid embarrassment when seen by others. Beyond this, medical literature does not clearly define what is normal penis length in the adult male. Therefore, what really is insufficient or inadequate penile size is still a controversial issue.

Penile length measurements in adults should be made with a full erection. An effective and reliable means of measurement is to place one end of a rigid ruler on the pubic bone and the other end at the tip of the penis. Using this technique, researchers found that in normal male adults, the average penile length was 10-14cm (about 4 to 5.5 inches) with a range of about 9cm (3.5 inches) to 19cm (7.5 inches).

There is no direct correlation between body type and skeletal development to penile length. Such measurements as the size of the foot or the diameter of the hand do not predict penis size. The most important predictor of penile size appears to be the initial length of the penis at birth.

Penis growth stops at the end of puberty, around age 18-20. Unfortunately, there is no good technique available to increase penis size. Many plastic surgeons have attempted penile enlargement procedures, but to date there is no reliable, safe or effective method.

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