Conscientious Men Live Longer

It’s a sad fact, but look round the average nursing home and they are full to the rafters … with women.  Men often leave their partners widows but not the…

Computerised CBT

All the really exciting developments in therapy these days make claim to the title ‘Cognitive Behavioural Therapy’ or CBT.  It’s a great therapy that helps you to understand the relationship…

Childhood Sexual Behaviour

There has been a lot of recent press attention given to young children who have been excluded from school for inappropriate sexual behaviour.  I watched one mother talk of her…

New Mental Health Campaign For Men

MIND, the UK’s leading mental health charity, has launched a a new campaign focussed on men and mental health.  It has a two pronged attack.  First, it wants to encourage…


As the name ‘man boobs’ suggests, enlarged breasts in a male are often dismissed lightly, or even treated as a joke. This article provides information for men who might be…

God On The Brain

When I was a university student, I formed some pretty strong conclusions about God and about science. God, or so I reasoned, was about the meaning of life and  morality,…